I’m an anthropologist, sometimes I occupy things & such.

I see anarchism as something you do not an identity...

...so don’t call me the anarchist anthropologist

but the fact that he, the CEO, said the very premise workers are in any way oppressed is ludicrous show’s he has no idea even what his …


I mean, if he’d said, “well most companies are shit but I’m trying to run a decent one” I’d have maybe believe him.


for some CEO to lecture me that I’m ignorant to imagine that people don’t like doing someone else’s bidding all day is pretty hilarious

I don’t know any people who run companies, but I know lots of people who work in them, in every possible capacity.


i.e., it has nothing to do with the real world. Ironic. He’s a boss. I grew up in a working class family & have had LOTS of actual jobs


he explained that all this talk of “alienation” (term I didn’t use) & idea that corp employees aren’t fulfilled & happy is “library talk”


I was taking Mark Goyder seriously as a decent guy until the end of the debate where he mocked me for saying workers follow orders all day


I ordered the Hibou book but has anybody out there read it? Seems similar to my thesis that marketisation brings more bureaucracy not less


just as I send my bureaucracy book off to editors, discover Béatrice Hibou has written book on neoliberal bureaucratisation. In French.


new HAU spec. issue: Translating Worlds: The Epistemological Space of Translation (eds William Hanks & Carlo Severi) http://t.co/SSBe6EEf4B


The People’s Parliament is back! http://t.co/jYPSQK73gY. Gearing up for new debate. Anyone can make up a session!


doing extended version of old fetishism paper ending w Extended Mind & Pansychism/Process Philosophy as suggestions for expansion


Similarly if you lie and someone calls you a liar, say they are making ad hominem arguments and are this disqualified


If you advocate baby-killing & they call you a baby-killer, say they are using ad hominems as they don’t have a rational argument


Say you advocate baby-killing. If someone objects on principle, call them “angry”, hence irrational, or “hateful” if they object strongly


It would be helpful someday to produce an explicit version of political playbook political hacks use in debate


Steph just wrote: I am considering being homeless during my viva. It’s like epistemological thermal fusion. Don’t let her! @_skaface_


anybody need a housemate? She’s Austrian, very neat & well organised, good anarchist politics, funny, very nice…


my student from Goldsmiths is about to submit a PhD thesis on homelessness. Today she got an eviction notice.

they announced it despite my objections over time, knowing once announced, if I pulled out I’d look like an asshole

I tried hard to reschedule the Putney thing but was told it was completely impossible – despite it running for weeks

the most frustrating thing: I speak at end of Rojava conference, but don’t get to go to it because I have to be at Putney debates


what a weekend: tomorrow speak at Esoteric conference, Sunday Putney Debates AND Rojava Conference

Juan Cole once again reveals his strong anti-PKK & weaker general anti-Kurdish bias http://t.co/5xQSVzv7pR


I actually have footage of car of D. Willets, universities minister, intentionally driving into student protestors last May Day

best part, Tory Lord boasts about how he nearly told his driver to run over citizens http://t.co/x8hYmPTsw8