@RedrichLFC @JennoRon I know lots about Starmer. I’ve seen him in action. He’s an unprincipled cororieare jack, JM has two choices: support the leader or quit the party. I am do not face that dilemma I’m not in the party.

@RedrichLFC @JennoRon Why? So that in four years we might have a Tory-light government, possibly? No.

RT @JonangusMackay: @wrenasaurus Why ditch? Couldn’t help but notice that even in its very early days 2 members of the #Facebook board wer…

RT @JennoRon: I miss Corbyn & the thousands flocking to hear him speak. I miss Mcdonnel talking about the manifesto that would have improve…

RT @TheMendozaWoman: Fascists are now hunting down and terrorising immigrants on British soil (again). That’s what stage we’re at. https:…

RT @Jpaul05Paul: We lost the great mathematician John Conway to Covid-19. Here’s his proof that if humans have free will, then quantum part…

@Aoeui3 @davidwengrow well, how do you know from archaeological evidence when a choice is intentional? You can only work by analogy. Still, there’s lots of historical records of intentional social change of every sort going back as far as we have evidence.

@Aoeui3 @davidwengrow we call it “stuck” but it’s the same idea. The end of seasonal variation might be one key threshold.

Union-busting Quakers. That’s strange. https://t.co/rCGBDvKE04 here’s the union’s web page if you want to support. An old dear friend of mine put this together: https://t.co/KF6idwnBJ5

RT @FeardorchaR: @davidgraeber Your book on debt should be mandatory reading for bankers and money fetishists. In more bite-sized podcastab…

@NylAndrew you didn’t even read the tweet, let alone look at the article, did you? That’s the amazing thing for me. People have it so drilled into their heads even if you wave direct evidence to the contrary in front of their face, they just don’t see it

RT @DiegodeSoto2013: @davidgraeber Hi David, though this might be relevant, also: https://t.co/4DCYDQTc8Z

RT @AnarchistAgency: “Leading Authors, Journalists, Scholars, Publishers, and Others Sign Solidarity Statement Opposing Facebook Ban of Ant…

@JanissaryJones @davidwengrow one could as easily argue that the earliest plant domestication was itself part of a feminist revolution

@AlInsoumis @davidwengrow hard to deny – well, a few made some pretty poor ones but just had less power to do damage

RT @TCOLdocumentary: Very happy to announce that THE COST OF LIVING will receive a worldwide VOD release September 7th. More information so…

@dominichills5 @stephenberquist @davidwengrow @fake__monkey Nah you’ve got it as well as anyone

@davidwengrow @fake__monkey it might take what seems like a thesis-antithesis, even thesis-antithesis-synthesis form at times, as people define themselves against their neighbours, but dialectic has come to imply something inexorable.


RT @DoubleDownNews: He leaves behind a partner & step-daughter. You can support their crowdfunder here: https://t.co/71Xz79sTD5

RT @DoubleDownNews: A far right activist killed a man with an illegal AR-15 & fled Anthony Huber, Armed with nothing but a skateboard, cha…

RT @davidwengrow: Working through ms #TheDawnOfEverything I see one conclusion is that prehistory makes more sense as a series of movements…

RT @AndrewJC63: @davidgraeber I do wish people would understand that QE is a social program for the wealthy. I dream of that truth reachin…

Fed finally admits they have been printing money to create greater inflation and failing. Does this mean everyone will stop demanding “but where will you find the money?” whenever someone mentions a social program? Why do I doubt this? https://t.co/OUVJRx0Olo

@Katsuefox @Prolapsarian it’s terrifying. The Dem leadership were utterly determined to repeat Clinton v Trump 2016, except with a folksier front man. Even after the most disastrous presidency since James Buchanan they can’t seem to get traction

@girlziplocked not about politics or major social issues. But a kind of cynical contempt for the foibles of the not-cool-enough & their interests and concerns seems to impress a lot of under-19s on a regular basis.

RT @skr00013: Are there any resources out there documenting the different tactics police have used to induce violence during protests like…

@StephenWayneDa4 @robert0461 @MikeSmith04 @UKLabour @Keir_Starmer Corbyn had personal negatives since the media hammered away at him in a way they never did with any other leader before or since, but Labour was usually ahead in the polls anyway, because he had actual policies (which was the reason the media hammered so at him).