RT @RidingTheScree: @pigreen1 @davidgraeber Well yes but I can tell you that from appearance, managers get paid rather well without seeming…

RT @aehibbins: “There is a shape to the past, and it is only by understanding it that we can begin to have a sense of the opportunities tha…

RT @ColleenFights: “It is the secret scandal of capitalism that at no point has it been organized primarily around free labor. ” Rereading…

RT @VlanciPictures: it takes a pandemic ot reveal which jobs are BS and which are not @davidgraeber https://t.co/ETwjrHpndN

RT @RidingTheScree: When I came across David Graeber’s class analysis in terms of bureaucracy, it resonated deeply. Having lived with a dis…

@rebeccagwilson @nikadubrovsky Why thank you! We’ve been married for a year but we still haven’t had a proper wedding. Were going to do it in Berlin on Mayday (perhaps the first of a whole series of weddings in various cities) but then … well, you know.

@bygeorgist @girlziplocked well you know there was blues, gospel, bluegrass, jazz, rock’n’roll, funk, soul… People also tend to forget that African-Americans actually are Americans.

@HonHonHonHon @MediaevalWorld I was in my local LP coordination hub to visit my friend Elif (27) – when the results started coming in, about half the kids were like “where can I get some heroin?” and the other half were “where I can get some weapons?”

@HonHonHonHon @MediaevalWorld that’s why they’re in mass rebellion and who can blame them?

@HonHonHonHon @MediaevalWorld I’m just getting a feel for the next half-generation, and my sense is there’s a (totally justifiable) rage as people who feel their elders have decided they’re fated to live in boxes, with their main emotional relations online, for 30 years until the seas boil and they die

@HonHonHonHon @MediaevalWorld it’s funny, my people are the generation that were in college in 2010 as I linked up with UK social movements through the student movement. So they’re all 30 now. They were a very hopeful generation who were betrayed by the crushing of Corbynism

@HonHonHonHon @MediaevalWorld but that was rather a different issue than I was trying to raise. i’ve written about it though. Blair destroyed rock in the UK, at least as something anyone could live off, while thinking he was doing the opposite. It’s one of his many atrocities.

@HonHonHonHon @MediaevalWorld I’ve frequently said that whoever would have been the next John Lennon, Paul Weller, or even Anton Newcombe is probably stacking boxes in a Tesco now because of dole reform. It’s not like they don’t exist! they’re crushed. Brian Eno btw is also passionate about this issue.

@HonHonHonHon @MediaevalWorld I know there’s good stuff. Actually my point had nothing to do with that, it was about the lack of corporate interest in catchy pop or jingles nowadays, which was a matter of purely sociological interest.

@HonHonHonHon @MediaevalWorld you mean Mark Fisher? In that case, my apologies. Well, MF did get out, but I think he had a clinical condition. It’s all very tragic I agree. I’m more an optimist, myself, and most of my friends are about half my age, since i find chic despair or resignation infuriating.

@ScaleSilver49 @SamuraiElf @reibisch I have a bag of runes in my magic cabinet somewhere I got on the advice of a former Indian spy who was into that sort of thing, but I’ve been ashamed to ever learn to use them. Nazis. I hate those guys! They ruin everything.

RT @10rdBeen: Anyway the whole piece is here, and it’s a very good one but it’s also long and mostly about British politics. The class anal…

RT @SamuraiElf: I took this pic many years ago when I was in Valencia, Spain. I don’t know why this garage door was so important but it was…

RT @girlziplocked: What’s the most apeshit thing about American culture that you didn’t quite fully grok before the pandemic but now see fo…

RT @girlziplocked: I asked someone this today and they said, “You know, growing up with 9/11, I just assumed people would get really pissed…

RT @Seandotexe: When David Graeber said “Totalities, in particular, are always creatures of the imagination. Nations, soci- eties, ideologi…

RT @10rdBeen: Read a David Graeber piece on Corbynism (from Jan) with this analysis of modern left class composition and the bind parties a…

@HonHonHonHon @MediaevalWorld is this supposed to be addressed to me? Are you a total fucking idiot?

@LouisProyect1 @RioftheLevites this is especially true if there’s no way for the reader to know you’re being civil, for all I knew you were attacking me for talking about sex when people are starving, etc etc. It’d’ve been consistent with previous behaviour. To that my response would have been pretty mild.

@LouisProyect1 @RioftheLevites what you think you can turn it on and off at will? – “I usually punch that guy in the face when I meet him for no particular reason but this time I decided to be civil AND HE WASN’T GRATEFUL!!! Waaah waaaah waaah!”

@LouisProyect1 @RioftheLevites what is up your ass, Louis? The first time I encountered you, you were calling me a “horses’ ass” for saying “transgress” instead of “break” in an article – if you’re going to make “contentious prick” into your default persona, don’t get all huffy over such things, ok?

@LouisProyect1 @RioftheLevites No I just used to live in Madagascar and reacted the way I knew a Malagasy would react.