I’m an anthropologist, sometimes I occupy things & such.

I see anarchism as something you do not an identity...

...so don’t call me the anarchist anthropologist

these are the Serdar Argics & Hasan Mutlus of the contemporary internet (let’s see how old people are if anyone remembers who I’m talking about): https://t.co/GBOr1X6wS2


tired of fascist trolls irritating your day? “Subscribe to our block list below to automatically block all the Jihadis, Grey Wolves, Terrorist Supporters and other associated filth we’ve identified”: @JihadiBlocker


NATO army still planning to invade Syria and commit massive warcrimes to general silence of the Left https://t.co/ZqXEsh7kL4

Wow this guy REALLY doesn’t like being called out as a liar. He said the PKK killed 40k people. I pointed out he must know that 30k of those people were killed by Turkish security forces. https://t.co/CPSIjqN4kr

Turkish authorities continue ethnic cleansing of Afrin, using terror to slowly replace the entire population one-time feminist democratic enclave with the families of right-wing Jihadis. https://t.co/UU88UVa48k

and what’s more my interview was one of the Economist’s 10 most popular stories of 2018 https://t.co/zARBTThcHd


Not sure how a “buffer zone” would work that wouldn’t cut right through the middle of major Kurdish cities https://t.co/fE5h1mrnRR


Moderate centrism at work again. Many of my OWS friends have intimate memories of the feeling of moderate centrism breaking their wrists and fingers under Obama https://t.co/vEqoYUmqzm

2ème Appel des Gillets Jaunes de Commercy : assemblée des assemblées à Commercy great assembly of assembly planned for January 26 at 2 PM: https://t.co/XzfrEVEGjX

best analysis of the North Syrian situation by an outside anti-imperialist I’ve seen so far – I mean, a real on-the-ground anti-imperialist not an armchair holier-than-thou “you can all die to preserve my moral purity” one https://t.co/hAQa1hLaWp

oh and I have written one thing about my own experiences at Yale not exactly on this topic but close https://t.co/d8q0RvGANM


convenient directions provided should you wish to go to a discussion of my old “Are You an Anarchist?” pamphlet in Bhopal. https://t.co/osEmdf2CYs

this is a technical military question: does anyone out there know whether Turkey as a NATO power has automatic access to satellite intelligence, drones, etc, operated out of US or Europe? I’ve heard they did and used it in Afrin but would like confirmation & details @TheWarNerd

anyway at the moment I think it’s more important to try to get the word out that a NATO infrastructure of tanks, jets, & attack helicopter supplied & maintained by Americans & European is about to launch genocidal attacks on revolutionary feminists in Syria so for now, whatever

I am very tempted to write something about the cowardice, liberalism, & cynical careerism that masquerades as (most) “radicalism” in the academy & the reigns of terror & exploitation it enables, but maybe those guys hate me enough already & anyway what good would it do?

aha! soi now we know who was really behind the Gattwick drones – someone was just trying to lower the property values to get a better deal. https://t.co/4PmvikPQf8

classic libertarian responses to discovering 1/3 of employees think they have bullshit jobs. 1. you think you’re smarter than everyone else & know what jobs are really worth (response, no this is what THEY say), 2. I think I’m smarter than everyone else & say they’re all wrong https://t.co/KFFANdjwTW

Useful but fails to note Turkey has always worked hand in glove with ISIS and would effectively put them under another name in power https://t.co/5fVzskV3sp

amazing: of course the reason Afrin hasn’t been blown up is because the SDF decided not to fight house-to-house but pulled out to spare the population civilian casualties or devastation. So now this is used as a pretext to kill them all. https://t.co/BqH80Nx5aO

you would think that once we have ascertained that someone is either lying or doesn’t know what they’re talking about, about a certain issue, then maybe … you know, they’re lying or don’t know what they’re talking about, about that issue?


amazing anyone is buying this. Taleb starts with 2 statements: #1 I wrote a petition, #2 it was a smear. Turns out #1 is completely false. Yet dozens of mindless followers, on discovering this, continue to insist #2 must be true for no reason other than his say-so. https://t.co/FgqqE2yxph


this is so awesome: it says that Trump is soon going to try to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan too. He really is going to start dismantling the empire. Obviously they do need to leave the SDF some good artillery & especially surface-to-air missiles… https://t.co/z4xhkgw2GX

Macron wasn’t a big fan of the ZAD, but he seems to have just made friends with a new one: call it, ZAD II. Well I guess it’s a distraction from the #gilesjaunes https://t.co/PAHoGZRFGq