@willhuw @UKLabour Well that’s true but it’s not what He was really talking about nor i

@MencianLegalism @anosognosically The problem with twitter is you can’t tell if someone is being ironic


RT @VarlanOlivier: 3/David Graeber y critique notamment notre vision « sacrificielle » du travail et la corrélation inverse entre utilité d…

RT @s3napat1: You need to read Utopia of Rules by @davidgraeber That’s it. That’s the tweet.

@dominichills5 There’s a lot of sectarianism yeah but with Marxism and anarchism it’s not theory but organizational imperatives

@dominichills5 Not the entire pierce. I kind of liked Symbolic Exchange and Death, and the essay about fetishism is an old fave, and America.

@dominichills5 I think some of this is in your imagination – you do realize I’ve written a book of Marxist theory right? Still it’s broadly true about the tribalism.

@LorenzoRosso92 @JamesEFoster Johnson personally write a book in which he described “book nosed” Jewish moghuls controlling & manipulating the news. Didn’t seem to phase anyone


@HWquestion @FalanxZ That’s true but he is dismissing my concerns by referring to a totally different phenomenon. Teenagers don’t judge “the left” through the Guardian and mainstream press they watch YouTube videos and twitter controversies

@james_e_baldwin I don’t know Bannon seems to get on well with far right people in power almost everywhere

(hint: there is a case of a friend of mine who recently got publicly denounced by half my other friends because someone wrote a review of her book that said while she didn’t say something offensive in the book, the reviewer guessed she might have in an earlier draft.) 4/

@enfantmarxiste that’s not a counterpoint, really, since I wasn’t making an argument about why the right acts the way they do. I was just making an empirical observation


@DanielFooksArt but this is an interesting reflection on what they believe their self-interest to be, no? That of their movement, not that of the nation their movement claims to stand for.


which if you think about it is a paradox; lefties are supposedly universalists, but they divide into warring sects & viciously attack each other; righties are supposedly nationalist, but actually, they often show an instinctual solidarity even to nationalists of rival nations 3/

this surprised me slightly because I’d kind of assumed there was equal sectarianism on the right, just I hadn’t been exposed to it. He on the other hand spends a good deal of time comparing youtube rants, etc, & assured me that no, they really don’t 2/

RT @bellacaledonia: Brilliant interview with @davidgraeber from @DoubleDownNews on the problems of framing and ‘anti-zionism’ versus critiq…

I was talking to my step-son & he made the reasonable point that many young people look at the right, and the left, & the first thing they notice is that people on the left all seem to hate each other. Right-wingers spend much less of their time condemning each other publicly 1/

RT @hapoelorient: If you only stand up against Racism when the victim is part of your political faction while ignoring victims who are not…