@benedict there is a call for ALL anarchists to turn themselves in wearing red stars (Nazis made activists wear them) at inconvenient hours

RT @Sandmonkey: All the proceeds will go to finance the revolution, of course. How fun would that be?

RT @Sandmonkey: and we would be selling the flag (which means nothing) in stores next to gas stations that belong to us & sell flag + ga …

RT @Sandmonkey: Let’s make a seculairism flag, announce it, hire bearded men to burn it, videotape them doing so & urging their brothers …

@asadatta – actually, yeah, I’m supposed to be a guest blog on Savage Minds this month but I’m not sure that’s what they were looking for

RT @lucyparsons4ev: End the #Debt Crisis now With a Credit Default Swap! http://t.co/W7J84Xy #debtceiling @zerohedge @cspan #FYW #banks …

not a bad idea – where might be a good place to post that? And why is Robert Reich of all people crossing picket lines?

@asadatta – oh shit there’s a picket? This is what happens when you rely on a publicist – can one withdraw these things?

Debt book is finally released in the UK! Now, my London friends, is the time to convince somebody else to buy the thing and then borrow it!

@brownisthecolor no his show asked for a copy months ago but that was the last we heard. I feel hurt

Just had a conversation in Malagasy with David Brancaccio! Apparently he was born there. That part won’t be on the air tho

So how much do you have to pay Glenn Beck to have him denounce your book? That’s what I really need!


…Something similar has happened with the lives of the gainfully employed. John Berger: http://t.co/DLLv5UK

Have you noticed small commodities are increasingly difficult to remove from their packaging? …


RT @allisonkilkenny: Not a single BP exec went to prison after poisoning the Gulf, but DeChristopher is going to prison for 2 yrs for pr …

Republicans as party of business can more easily ally with working class movements (if crazy ones) as at least they’re goal-oriented.

Realization: Democrats in US are party of the professional classes, therefore, believe in process over results. Hence health care debacle


@leashless – thanks Vinay! Myself, I’ve always been a great fan of Dimitry Orlov: http://t.co/g1MfyA1

@southsouth @aaronjohnpeters yes amazingly it’s from Yale Law School. They hired Italian communist stone masons and gave them total autonomy

Hrumph! NPR’s All Things Considered bounced my debt discussion. Said it was preempted by the debt crisis


So am I on NPR? Or just the blog? I don’t get it. Anyone know? Via @nprnews: Debt, From Ancient Tool To Modern Weapon | http://t.co/sNH4N2O


If politicians break their promises to voters, no one will vote and democracy will collapse. Oh wait! That already happened, didn’t it?

similar people always ask me about debt forgiveness – won’t lenders then refuse to lend and the economy will collapse. My answer…

my favorite line: are there any children who don’t deserve to live in a house? So how’d we get to where evicting them seems moral?


US uncut action today: bedrolls and pajamas in a Chase branch. Very fluffy (left at first police request) but spirited and fun.

who is this excellent “Amormundi” person? Well, he seems to like me well enough so I’m well disposed. http://t.co/qrgnqOW