RT @PhilipGAlston: The Sustainable Development Goals are currently not going to be met, yet the UN and its member states are sleepwalking t…

RT @PhilipGAlston: Economic growth is frequently presented as the engine for eradicating poverty but the primary beneficiaries are often t…

RT @PhilipGAlston: The result is a Pyrrhic victory, an undue sense of satisfaction and dangerous complacency. Using more realistic measures…

RT @PhilipGAlston: In recent years, the UN, world leaders and pundits have promoted a self-congratulatory message of impending victory over…

RT @PhilipGAlston: COVID-19 is projected to push hundreds of millions into unemployment, hunger and poverty. But the international communit…

RT @GiantEye: @EcoGeck @davidgraeber @jasonhickel He goes over this in The Divide. This interview on @CitationsPod is also a good overview…

RT @RobertNeuwirth: @StefanoSerafi11 @davidgraeber @jasonhickel in an interview with @sarabissen of the journal of #biourbanism, I noted th…

RT @LumpyLouish: Just listened to about 2 hours of David Graeber. Did you all know that at OWS the cops first attempted the sexual assault…

RT @Trickyjabs: Jul 2017: Labour 8% ahead in the polls: ‘Moderates’: “pfft, should be 20% ahead” Jul 2020: Labour 6% behind in the polls…

RT @BellRibeiroAddy: How much are other countries spending on green investment? 🇩🇪 – £36bn 🇩🇰 – £33.5bn 🇫🇷 – £13.5bn How much is th…

RT @David__Osland: Remember when care homes were run by local authorities on a not-for-profit basis, workers had decent terms and condition…

RT @MayaGoodfellow: Last night Tory MPs voted against introducing basic changes that would ensure migrant women could access domestic abuse…

RT @RichardBurgon: During all my years as a trade union solicitor, one thing was clear: workers don’t go on strike unless it’s their last r…

RT @NeilHarding: Is it just me, or is giving a £500 government voucher to everyone (at a cost of £30bn), to encourage mindless consumerism,…

RT @poorscousertom: I did not clap for our NHS tonight. Instead I will promise to never vote for a Tory until my dying day.

RT @HarleyShah: British people spend their days living with the intense fear that somewhere, somehow, someone they believe is inferior to t…

so what did Thorstein Veblen’s friends call him? “Thor?” Seems a bit grandiose. “Ted”? Did they call him by his middle name, Bunde? Seems unlikely. TB? No that’s a disease. Maybe they just had a totally unrelated name or nickname like Joe or Ace or Lefty?


@nikel99 I tend to be suspicious of “it’s all planned” narratives. If you meet these guys, which I occasionally do – I mean the Cummings types, not the BJs obviously – you realise they’re just not THAT smart.

@Itmechr3 I knew Veblen had worked a bit with the IWW and that “sabotage” was a buzz-word at the time, but didn’t realise Kropotkin has also described profiteering in this way.

@Itmechr3 I need to look at this as well! Ironically I just co-wrote an intro to the new PM edition of Mutual Aid, and have a huge pile of Veblen books my French friends advised me to read, but, who has time? I should definitely look into this!

RT @killcops420: @Itmechr3 I’ve read Veblen on sabotage but not Kropotkin because I’m a bad anarchist, what books/articles does he talk abo…

RT @Itmechr3: Has anyone written anything on the connection between Veblen and Kropotkin’s theories of sabotage? Both of them seem to have…

RT @JoeRRyle: Ahead of #TreasuryQuestions today, re-sharing my piece for the @spectator on why the Conservatives should support a #4DayWeek…

@weird_al_77 @jasonhickel yeah they basically have no arguments left for the existing system, so they have to insist any alternative must by definition be even worse


RT @nikadubrovsky: @Itsnotadistrac1 @davidgraeber We have a situation in Russia: our friend is facing a perspective to spend next 6 years i…

@simchaonn obviously I didn’t really fit in there, even though the late ’70s were the height of American liberalism so the majority of students at that point were on scholarship. I hear in the ’80s it went right back to old-fashioned unapologetic ruling classism