@failedanarchist @SusiePeaceCora apparently it was bait, because what followed was this weird explosion “what on earth is wrong with you David? You used to write interesting theory but now all you do is scream & yell denouncing anyone who’s in any way critical of you!” Ie, I need to see a shrink…”


@failedanarchist @SusiePeaceCora I observed Doug Henwood do this to me, he kept repeating over & over I’d met with the board of Federal Reserve. I explained each time no I just met some kid who did public education there. The third time I asked “why do you keep repeating this Doug? I’ve corrected you twice.”

@failedanarchist @SusiePeaceCora right-wingers do this to their enemies all the time, but I’ve only observed lefties doing it to each other. I..e, intentionally introducing obvious mistakes into a summary of another lefties’ work, so as to draw her out to complain, then all scream she “can’t take criticism”

@failedanarchist @SusiePeaceCora maybe it isn’t hatred, but it’s an attempt to personalise politics in the most destructive way possible, especially because if it’s say Jacobin types, there’s always a chorus of supporters who shows up who taunt & mock the victim


@failedanarchist @SusiePeaceCora ie, many on the left have borrowed trolling tactics first developed by the right to use vs lefties, to use vs other lefties: i.e., try to get a rise out of someone by sneaky means then if the target objects to the means, make a big issue of their supposed personality flaws


@failedanarchist @SusiePeaceCora Normally I don’t like using it either. But I’ve noticed so much personal nastiness & rancor in so many ostensibly political attacks & couldn’t see any other appropriate word.


@dwinnera @davidschneider 3000 news stories about Labour antisemitism in one year, zero news stories about Tory AS despite the fact their party leader had written an overtly antisemitic book

@willhuw @UKLabour you are thinking specifically of Labour politics & what you say is largely true but its irrelevant; my step-son lives in Germany & watches US-based youtube a lot, he’s not talking about party politics anyway

@otterjm Fwiw, full-stop came first, and the one I tweeted was actually responding to it.

@james_e_baldwin @SusiePeaceCora these are utterly legitimate differences, which can be argued politically. That’s not what they chose to do though. They were just completely personally nasty, & what I got was nothing compared to some others I won’t name

@james_e_baldwin @SusiePeaceCora oh they set themselves up as the anti-OWS left so they made me the totemic figure to represent whatever they thought OWS stood for (horizontality, prefiguration, refusal to legitimate the formal political sphere)

@wirralphil1 groups & tendencies that are almost uniformly hateful & insulting to myself personally: Jacobin, Libcom, Insurrectionists, Zerzanites, “Anti-imperialists”, anyone who comments on AnarchyNews…

@FalanxZ it’s not data. I’m sorry. I have been doing this stuff for decades now. I’ve become an object of a kind of totemic hate-cult by more groups & factions than I can name, & I haven’t got it particularly harshly

@SusiePeaceCora I have so many factions & tendencies that just HATE me, for example. Everyone from tankies to primitivists to the Jacobin crew. But if I were just to say “they aren’t really lefties” for that reason, i’d just be playing the same game


@mankymam @Hepworthclare well maybe they just observe the other side never accepted Corbyn & actively subverted him & won total victory as a result, with Starmer, so that’s just how the game is played now.


@Bipolarita well it’s a nice performative speech act but it doesn’t make it true. The level of hatred I’ve received from fellow lefties over the years is beyond imagination.


@comhbha there’s a big difference between question, debate and argue, and pillory, mock, denounce, and condemn.

@PownallHarris sure feels like hate when you’re on the receiving end. Yeah, the Jacobin folks definitely love to hate on me. “Anti-imperialists” who accuse me of being a tool of NATO or worse, yeah, they act as if they hate me … The anarchs-primitivists or insurrectionists on anarchy news…

@willhuw @UKLabour Well that’s true but it’s not what He was really talking about nor i

@MencianLegalism @anosognosically The problem with twitter is you can’t tell if someone is being ironic


@dominichills5 There’s a lot of sectarianism yeah but with Marxism and anarchism it’s not theory but organizational imperatives

@dominichills5 Not the entire pierce. I kind of liked Symbolic Exchange and Death, and the essay about fetishism is an old fave, and America.

@dominichills5 I think some of this is in your imagination – you do realize I’ve written a book of Marxist theory right? Still it’s broadly true about the tribalism.

@LorenzoRosso92 @JamesEFoster Johnson personally write a book in which he described “book nosed” Jewish moghuls controlling & manipulating the news. Didn’t seem to phase anyone


@HWquestion @FalanxZ That’s true but he is dismissing my concerns by referring to a totally different phenomenon. Teenagers don’t judge “the left” through the Guardian and mainstream press they watch YouTube videos and twitter controversies