@AViewofYou_ As Blair Fix has elaborately demonstrated compensation is mainly a reflection of hierarchical power not the other way around

@AViewofYou_ Ones merit value or ability is not the measure of ones compensation for about 50% of work right now since its unpaid & current compensation has little relation to those things as we’ve learned in lockdown


@norway_cb @vupine @Catniptwoshoes For example: have you ever heard of these things called “libraries”? Have you ever heard of a novelist or historian etc who demanded their book not be put in a public library, even though it allows anyone to read their book for free?

@MisterSpeeKar Rojava provides a nice example of people using anarchist forms of organization dealing with one of the biggest organized crime problems in human history (ISIS)


@MURILORESENDEF1 1. You are guilty of the fallacy by ignoring endless strains of self-declared “anarchist” praxis that don’t fit your purposes, 2. you are saying “anarchism is X” when you actually mean “I think anarchism ought to be defined as” – in fact no one is under any obligation to

@AViewofYou_ Depends on how you define “hierarchy” in part. But ultimately I’d say any organization that can work without resort to threatening to physically attack people could count as anarchist

@taiegh Seems to be the other way around. US and UK were the only countries that refused to share – or even to pledge they’d make a vaccine a public good. All other countries including Russia agreed

@norway_cb @vupine @Catniptwoshoes I mean your tacit argument seems based on a string of logical fallacies but it’s also not even true – authors prefer people read their books than not, even when their life and health in no way depends on it

@norway_cb @vupine @Catniptwoshoes You do realize publishers refuse to give authors PDFs of their upcoming books because they know the authors will start distributing them for free

@notimnotandrei @JebbyMc didn’t used to be that way, the days of Bell Labs were times of astronomically high corporate tax rates, and you could write the research off. When they lowered corporate taxes everything changed.

@notimnotandrei @JebbyMc actually very small amounts of research are funded by private corporations; new tech tends to come largely from government research, of from the non-profit sector which is also much large than that of private corporations.


@vupine @Catniptwoshoes no, there’s absolutely no reason that has to be done by making the information secret, effectively giving private individuals a monopoly over the means to save the life of everyone on earth

@PotemkinLion I tried but the doctors are working from home so they say they’ll call tomorrow

@Prolapsarian surprisingly, if I had been eating soap, I’d have known why my mouth tasted of soap and wouldn’t have to ask about it.

@prformativcontr my understanding is that you lose your sense of taste. Which hasn’t happened to me. I have two friends who had that happen. Checked with them and neither reported a soapy taste in their mouth (in my case, seems to occur shortly after I eat)