@Palomar_qfwfq @DanielFooksArt Yes but that’s an injection. I started taking supplements two dats ago.

@Timlagor @mo_wenhao I have basically no symptoms of Covid so I wasn’t really worried about that one

@mo_wenhao @Timlagor I was thinking of having some toasted brains for lunch. But hey it wasn’t a craving for raw ones

@mo_wenhao @Timlagor I’m on the ground floor below right now – doctors aren’t in they’ll call on the phone tomorrow

@Timlagor @feckitdotcom I tried to go to my doctors office but the doctors seem to be working from home and will call me tomorrow

@Timlagor @DanielFooksArt ah yes multivitamins I hadn’t been taking them for maybe 8 months then I started again

@GSodikoff You know that’s what a web search turned up but I can’t for the life of me figure out where it would be coming from

@Old_soul84 Thanks. Yeah we’re all also frightened and isolated. It’s hard to know what to think.

@DanielFooksArt How interesting yes – I thought it was b12 deficiency too and started taking supplements a couple days ago – but the soapy taste started happening after that. Could it possibly be a side-effect? That’d be funny

@PrometheusAM @yugopnik we just differ on our definition of “capitalism” is all. Saying someone isn’t being smart because they don’t adopt your preferred definition isn’t very smart on your part.

@PrometheusAM @yugopnik if you’re trying to sell us on some fantasy version of capitalism that so far exists in your head, go off to your libertarian island utopia & create it, and get back to me


@RulesSelmer @Scott27587701 if making good products people want & want to keep is a bad business model, then maybe there’s something wrong with business. Important research isn’t much pursued by private corporations anyway.


@thewordthatcuts @mbongeni7 @NombsNtshali2 @sade_without_h @mihlalii_n once nylon had become standard, of course, they started decreasing the quality and have done so ever since. 3/


@thewordthatcuts @mbongeni7 @NombsNtshali2 @sade_without_h @mihlalii_n one of her friends was asked to volunteer to wear just-invented nylon stockings every day and wash them every night until they ripped. The first pair were perfect after 4 months so they kept introducing weaker ones until they found one just slightly better than silk 2/