@nickmirzoeff my dad had a whole shelf of those books but I’m not sure if any really stood out. “War is Beautiful”? Had a good title. How’s life under curfew?

@Quatr_us so having you take on the more-ultra-militant-than-thou pose in that context is kind of rich.

@Quatr_us no I’m just pissed off because the original story was sent me by a long-time anarchist friend whose dad is a cop, who was once arrested by the secret police on trumped up charges & your reaction was “she must have done something”

@Quatr_us cops always knew how to play the media. Maybe you’re just catching up. BTW, the condescending ultra-militant tone is unbecoming.

@j0s3fk I’m open to the possibility. But it’s very inconsistent with overall current directions in US policing, which is toward super militarisation, fascist infiltration, etc.


@cdrboshtette What people who don’t have privilege get to see cops who pretend to be nice to them? But us privileged people they pepper spray and beat with sticks instead? What you’re saying makes zero sense.

@MikeForester Which comes down to saying the sane thing. If the distinction is meaningless in practice then why are you making it in this huffy bureaucratic way?

@LargeWlarge63 of course they’re not the good guys. They just follow orders. But history also shows there often comes a point where the guys with the guns refuse to shoot, or just go home. Revolutions occur & when revolutionaries win it’s when the other side’s security forces prove unreliable


@olimay Leslie Wood: Crisis and Control: The Militarization of Protest Policing. Pluto. 2014. (Sorry I was groggy, just having my coffee.)


@NpseeA red states people are more likely to be armed. If I were the chief of police in Texas my worry would be that communities will start shooting at each other, and cops will be ordered to suppress it & get killed in the cross-fire

@JosephOM451 obviously anyone who’s active is aware of COINTELPRO. But half the point of COINTELPRO is to make people in movements paranoid of each other,


@myndzi individual cops can be decent people. I remember in a kettle in the same place, asking a cop how it would hurt him if I went home. He said “apparently we all have to wait until some idiot who thinks he’s god makes the decision.”


@olimay oh I have a Canadian friend Leslie who wrote a book on cop organization from an anarchist perspective but suddenly I forget her last name


@MikeForester so you actually believe that the US is a rule-of-law state where everyone can normally be expected to follow the regulations? Fascinating. If that were true, none of this would be happening.


@EbbaBebbaLebba the army is trained to think of “the enemy” as someone who is 1. foreign and 2. shooting back?

@remibookchin yes. And they hate being sent in to do police work, for which they’re not trained. And the ideological training is different: in the US, they’re told they’re “fighting for our freedoms” like the right to protest itself. Not to “preserve order” (eg, property)

@MikeForester Madeleine Albright didn’t have the formal authority to order Stomper to attack the Seattle protestors, but it’s a matter of historical record now that she did.

@callitinthering @dwallacewells yeah but the weird thing is that’s typical of what happens when stuff begins breaking down. I mean I’m not there I don’t know. I remember though watching cops literally crying, at some actions, then going utterly crazy attacking everyone in sight, including pedestrians


@gautham_t @MegaBeta4 they’re probably aware that with an armed populace on the brink of civil war, this would be catastrophic, they don’t want to have to deal with the consequences, so they’re sending signals they won’t do it. Or who knows maybe some have already got orders and didn’t do it.

@gautham_t @MegaBeta4 my guess is that some higher-up cops resent what they think is taking things too far politically, Trump’s people sending orders putting them at personal risk by flanning the flames for political gain, i.e., actually telling them to open fire

@gautham_t @MegaBeta4 all I’m saying is during all those years of street battles I never saw cops go into “no I’m on your side” mode, if it’s a tactic, there’s some political calculus going on which is very unusual, & reflect dissension in the higher ranks